Sharing, it has been said, doubles one’s joy and halves one’s sorrow.
A few
years ago, Rajesh, [name changed] a bright, young medical student, hurled
himself onto a speeding train. In minutes, he met his gory end. The reason? He
had been depressed by his mid-semester exam results.
Over 135,000 people commit suicide every year in India.
Often, their motivation to commit the devastating act comes from something
inconsequential…things that could have been solved, feelings that could have
been dealt with, situations that could have been brought under control. Sadly,
most cases, it has been noted, could have moved on to happier consequences if
the individuals had one simple aspect in their favour – someone to talk to.
Many of us
forget to share OR
We cannot find someone who we think we can
share our feelings, concerns and apprehensions with.
A sad predicament, since
it could mean the difference between life and death.
If you know someone who, you feel, needs a
patient ear or a warm shoulder… reach out to them today. If you need the warmth of a sensitive
listener… open up to someone you trust.
At Tattva,
we are always eager to listen; all you need to bring is yourself!
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